The effect of storage on the coliform and Bacterium coli counts of water samples

This investigation has been concerned with the changes that occur in the coliform and faecal coli content of water samples on storage at room and refrigerator temperatures for 6 hr. as compared with those occurring after 24 hr. storage.The examination was conducted by a 70-tube method using twofold diminishing volumes.The percentages of samples showing a significant change corresponding to at least a doubling or halving of the coliform content on storage were: (a) at room temperature after 6 hr. 24.7%, and after 24 hr. 38.3%; (b) at refrigerator temperature after 6 hr. 25.0%, and after 24 hr. 33.9%. The percentages of samples showing a significant change in the faecal coli content on storage were: (a) at room temperature after 6 hr. 18.7%, and after 24 hr. 34.6%; (b) at refrigerator temperature after 6 hr. 10.4%, and after 24 hr. 25.0%. The changes were preponderantly decreases and most of the large changes occurred after 24 hr.The investigation has shown that fewer changes occur after 6 hr. storage than after 24 hr. storage, and that storage for 6 hr. at refrigerator temperature is preferable to storage for 6 hr. at room temperature. Even so, some samples show significant changes after 6 hr. storage at refrigerator temperature; the coliform content is significantly altered in 25% of samples and the faecal coli content in 10% of samples.Samples of water should, therefore, be examined as soon as possible after collection, certainly within 6 hr., and during the period of transport to the laboratory they should be kept cold, if possible by ice.

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