The primary structure otE. coliRNA porymerase. Nucleotide sequence of the rpoC gene and amino acid sequence of the β′-sabunit

The primary structure of the E.coll rpoC gene (5321 base pairs) coding the β′-subunit of ENA polymerase as well as its adjacent segment have been determined. The structure analysis of the peptides obtained by cleavage of the protein with cyanogen bromide and trypsin has confirmed the amino acid sequence of the β′-subunit deduced from the nucleotide sequenoe analysis. The β′-subunit of E.coli RNA polymerase contains 1407 amino acid residues. Its translation is Initiated by codon GUG and terminated by codon TAA. It has been detected that the sequence following the terminating codon is strikingly homologous to known sequences of ρ-independent terminators.