Proinsulin synthesis in islets of Langerhans from spiny mice (Acomys cahirinus). comparison with rats and mice

Proinsulin synthesis in response to different concentrations of glucose has been studied in islets of Langerhans of acomys, rat and mouse. The response to increased glucose was small in acomys when compared with rat or mouse. The time course of the effect of glucose on proinsulin synthesis was also studied in sequential 15 min periods up to 60 min. With 5.5 mM glucose the rate of3H-leucine incorporation for acomys islets was greater over the periods 15–30, 30–45 and 45–60 min after the addition of glucose to the islets than at 0–15 min. By contrast rat islets exhibited a greater glucose-induced stimulation between 15–30 and 30–45 min relative to the 0–15 min period and a further increase of the incorporation rate between 45 and 60 min. With 27.5 mM glucose acceleration of incorporation relative to the first 15 min period occurred at 15–30 min; it was then stable up to 60 min for islets both from acomys and from rat. Incorporation into total protein was much greater in acomys than in rat or mouse: thus in 2.75 mM glucose, acomys islets incorporated 5 and 19 times more3H-leucine into total protein than did islets from rat or mouse respectively. In 27.5 mM glucose the incorporation into total protein of the islets from acomys was 4 and 13 times greater. Islet content of insulin was similar for all three species. No significant changes in ATP content were observed in response to changes in glucose concentration from 2.75 to 27.5 mM. The results demonstrate a decreased responsiveness of proinsulin synthesis to glucose in acomys and are discussed in terms of the known decreased sensitivity of insulin release in this animal.