Ontogenesis of rabbit liver cytochrome P450

The liver hydroxylating system, mainly composed of cytochromes P450, is not highly active during foetal life. It develops after birth and reaches the adult level several weeks post-partum. We have studied the ontogenesis of rabbit cytochrome P450 during the post-natal period. Total P450 as well as isozymes 2, 3b, 3c, 4 and 6 were measured. The evolution of these proteins with ageing, together with qualitative modification of an electrophoretic profile, produced evidence of an early developing P450 prevailing from one week to three weeks after birth. We isolated and characterized a cytochrome, called P450 2y, from two-week liver microsomes. It is closely related to P450 3a, an adult form of rabbit P450 induced by ethanol. They have similar molecular masses, the same .lambda.max of CO-reduced spectrum and exhibit immunological cross-reactivity. However, we cannot conclude that the two proteins are identical from N-terminal amino acid analysis or the two-dimensional gel electrophoresis pattern. These results, as well as the recent evidence of two different genes coding for the P450 3a family, strengthen the idea that P450 2y and 3a are distinct proteins. P450 2y seems to be an early developing form abundant soon after birth, while P450 3a is a delayed form appearing like most P450 isozymes during the fourth post-natal week. Besides the quantitative development during perinatal life, there is an important qualitative modification of liver cytochrome P450 content.