INTRODUCTION: SCOPE AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS Since World War 2 more than 100 man years of research time have gone into the Caribbean project being carried on by the Department of Geology at Princeton University. This is small when compared to geological and geophysical work done by industry in the same region over the same interval of time but perhaps can be compared to work done by government geological surveys in the circum-Caribbean area. The Woods Hole, Lamont, and more recently, Miami oceanographic institutes have intermittently conducted geophysical and geological investigations in the area, and the total accomplished by them is large. During the last 5 years a project similar to ours has been initiated at Rice University under T. W. Donnelly’s guidance. Men from other universities, such as Oxford, Nebraska, Stanford, California, Brigham Young, and Louisiana, as well as occasional students from Holland, France, and England, have made smaller forays into the Caribbean. Our project differs from the others in that it includes the whole province and continues over a long span of years. Studies by men working on the project have overlapped in time, and it has therefore been possible to transfer a vast amount of background information from generation to generation (Figs. 1, 2, and 3). Rocks, thin sections, fossils, and unpublished maps from past investigations are available to current workers. Modifications necessitated by changes of concepts with time can therefore be worked out, and the older factual information can be accordingly reorganized to fit a new framework. Many