Measurements of stature and 7 head characters are given for 43 male adult !kh[image] Bushmen of E. Ovamboland and adjacent parts of Angola, and for 100 Bantu-speaking Kwanyama. For n. Bushmen stature is 158.18cm. s.e. [plus or minus] 0.99; cephalic index 74.92 [plus or minus] 0.43; facial ind. 84.62 [plus or minus] 0.71; nasal index 86.83 [plus or minus] 1.41. For Kwanyama, stature is 170.92 [plus or minus] 0.63; cephalic index 75.16 [plus or minus] 0.27; facial index 86.21 [plus or minus] 0.45; nasal index 90.56 [plus or minus] 0.90. Comparisons are made with other Khoisan series. There is undoubted, but limited, Negro admixture in the n. Bushmen, who differ in some respects from the s. Bushmen.