Hybrid blood flow probe for simultaneous H2 clearance and laser-Doppler velocimetry

To perform two independent regional blood flow measurements in tissue volumes of similar dimensions, we designed a hybrid blood flow probe capable of measuring regional perfusion by both laser-Doppler velocimetry (LDV) and H2 clearance. The probe consisted of two fiber-optic light guides to conduct light between the surface of tissue of interest and a laser-Doppler blood flowmeter. Also contained within the probe were a platinum 25-microns H2-sensing electrode and a 125-microns H2-generating electrode. The probe can thus be used to measure local perfusion with H2 clearance. The H2 can either be inhaled or can be generated electrochemically at the locus of interest. Evaluation of the probe in the canine gastric mucosa indicated 1) that the relationship between mucosal flow measurements made simultaneously with H2 clearance and LDV was highly significant and linear and 2) that H2 clearance could potentially be used to calibrate the laser-Doppler blood flowmeter in absolute units. The methods of constructing the flow probes are discussed in detail.

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