Strategies for increasing fixation probabilities of recessive mutations

Summary Fixation probabilities and mean times to fixation of new mutant alleles in an isogenic population having an effect on a quantitative trait under truncation selection were computed using stochastic simulation. A variety of population structures and breeding systems were studied in order to find an optimal design for maximizing the fixation probability for recessive genes without impairing that for non-recessives or delaying times to fixation. Circular mating or cycles with repeated generations of close inbreeding alternating with combination of the families proved to be very inefficient. The most successful scheme found, considering fixation probabilities and times to fixation jointly, was to practise individual selection and mate full sibs whenever possible, otherwise mate at random. The benefit was directly proportional to the number of full-sib matings performed, which, in turn, almost exclusively depended on the number of selected individuals with very little effect of selection intensity or magnitude of gene effects. Fixation rates could be well approximated by diffusion methods. When selection was practised in only one sex and, therefore, the proportion of full-sib matings could be varied from zero to one, maximizing the amount of full-sib mating was found to maximize fixation probability, at least for single mutants.