A study of a cold eddy on the eastern side of the Gull Stream was performed combining data from the NOAA 2 and NOAA 3 satellites and from the Cape Fear Technical Institute's R/V Advance II. The satellite data were used initially to identify and locate the eddy in real-time. The location data obtained from the satellite imagery was used to plan an oceanic field program using the Advance II to collect temperature and salinity data in the perturbation. The analysis of satellite data indicated that the cold eddy was elliptic in shape with the major axis varying from 180 to 120 km and a minor axis varying from 120 to 100 km. The analysis also suggested that the circulation of the eddy was entraining warm Gulf Stream water, strengthening the warm ring around the eddy. The subsurface analysis indicated that the cold eddy was characterized by a very pronounced dome of relatively cold, less saline water below 200 m. Above 200 m, the temperature and salinity were uniform, both vertically and horizontally.