Three-Meson Model forp−pScattering and Regge Poles

By considering a dispersion relation for that amplitude of pp scattering, whose imaginary part in the forward direction is related to the total cross section, it is shown that the one-meson-exchange model (taking into account independent exchanges of the pion, the ρω vector pair, and an l=0, scalar 2π resonance or meson with a mass somewhat greater than two pion masses) and high-energy behavior of the pp and pp¯ scattering cross sections as given by the Regge pole hypothesis, are consistent with the existing pp scattering data. In our demonstration the energy range involved is larger than previously used in the demonstration of either of the above two aspects of pp scattering. Further by considering a dispersion relation and high-energy behavior of another amplitude of pp scattering, it is shown that the second type of coupling of the Pomeranchuk pole is zero. This reduces the number of unknown parameters in the expression for polarization at high energy.