The conditions under which the effect of ion-electron-scattering on radial oscillations near the ion-resonance of an infinite plasma cylinder in an axial magnetic field may lead to a heating of the plasma, possibly sufficient to induce thermonuclear reaction, are examined. The magnetic field strengths needed to stabilize the plasma, and the density of the plasma necessary to guarantee a sufficient rate of reaction require that we consider the optical behaviour in the decimeter-wavelength-range. In an equivalent model for the supplying circuit the reaction of the plasma is taken into account in a quantitative manner. Because of the finite extent of the plasma a dense spectrum of eigenresonances of the plasma system exists. Therefore the matching of the external circuit to the plasma is possible only in the mean. Numerical results are given for the energy absorbed, the radiative energy penetrating the plasma cylinder, and the corresponding reactive output, as functions of the plasma density, the temperature and the frequency (near the “ion-resonance” = geometric mean value between the gyrofrequencies of the ions and electrons), when the oscillator and the plasma are optimally matched (Fig. 4, 5, 6).