Comparison of Different Rates of Artificial Ventilation in Preterm Neonates with Respiratory Distress Syndrome

The effectiveness of three different ventilator rates of artificial ventilation (30, 60 and 120/min) was studied in 32 preterm infants, all of whom were suffering from the Respiratory Distress Syndrome (16 were paralysed). Ventilator pressures, I: E ratio and MAP were kept constant at each rate. Increase in rate from 30 to 60 and to 120/min was well tolerated and not associated with episodes of hypotension. The only significant improvement in oxygenation was amongst the non‐paralysed infants and at a rate of 120/min (pco2, (reduction) occurred only in non‐paralysed infants ventilated at a rate of 120/min by Sechrist ventilators (p<0.05). This difference may be a direct reflection of differences in ventilator performance at fast rates.