Distribution of coronary artery flow to the canine right atrium and sinoatrial node.

We assessed segmental distribution of blood flow to the right atrium and the region of the sinoatrial node using micropheres (7-10 mum) in 20 anesthetized dogs. Mean right atrial flow averaged 83+/-7 (SE) ml/min X 100 g, which was 56% of the left ventricular blood flow. The distribution of right atrial flow was not homogeneous. For example, flow to anterior right atriaater (105+/-8 ml/min X 100 g) than mean right atrial flow. Following ligation of the sinus node artery, perfusion of the segment containing the sinus node decreased by only 36%. Relative preservation of perfusion to the sinus node following sinus node artery ligation may explain why ligation of the sinus node artery does not alter heart rate. Furthermore, we also found that cannulation and pump perfusion of the sinus node artery at pressures 10 and 50 mm Hg greater than systolic pressure did not alter the distribution of right atrial flow. Thus, because cannulation and perfusion of the sinus node artery do not artifactually distort regional right atrial blood flow, we conclude that this should be a useful method for evaluating responsiveness of the sinus node to various interventions.