Some properties of the operator n^V,t representing the number of photons localized in a finite volume V at time t are investigated. To some extent these properties reflect the well-known difficulty of localizing photons in space-time. However, it is shown that, when the linear dimensions of V are large compared with the wave-length of any occupied mode of the field, the n^V,t operator acquires some simple properties. The commutator of n^V,t and the detection operator A^(x, t) is expressible in an interesting form. The commutator and relations derived from it become particularly simple for certain space-time regions which we label conjoint and disjoint. An orthogonal set of eigenstates of n^V,t is found, together with the corresponding eigenvalues, and it is shown that an arbitrary state is expressible in terms of these eigenstates. Some Nth-order correlations of the n^V,t operators are evaluated, and the results are used to calculate the probability distribution of eigenvalues of n^V,t for an arbitrary state of the field.