Dynamical symmetry breaking of non-Abelian gauge symmetries

We use the Schwinger mechanism to generate a dynamical breakdown of non-Abelian gauge symmetries. Such a breakdown is implemented by using bound-state Goldstone bosons which violate the global invariance associated with the gauge group. The usefulness of this realization of the Schwinger mechanism is that it eliminates the necessity of introducing elementary scalar particles, and, furthermore, it is a viable possibility in a pure Yang-Mills theory. Fermion and vector-meson mass relations in the pole approximation are discussed and compared with the zeroth-order mass relations in the familiar Higgs models. In addition, we obtain consistent solutions to the Bethe-Salpeter equation for the bound state in the weak-coupling limit, which yield finite vector-boson masses in the pole approximation. However, there are group-theoretical constraints which limit the possible groups and representations.

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