Quantum interference effects and spin-orbit interaction in quasi-one-dimensional wires and rings

We study two kinds of quantum interference effects in transport–the Aharonov-Bohm effect and the weak-localization effect–in quasi-one-dimensional wires and rings to address issues concerning the phase-coherence length, spin-orbit scattering, and the flux cancellation mechanism which is predicted to be present when the elastic mean free path exceeds the sample width. Our devices are fabricated on GaAs/Alx Ga1xAs and pseudomorphic Gax In1xAs/Alx In1xAs heterostructure materials and the experiments carried out at 0.4–20 K temperatures. In the GaAs/Alx Ga1xAs devices which exhibit no significant spin-orbit scattering, we were able to extract a phase-coherence length lφ from the amplitude of the Aharonov-Bohm magnetoresistance oscillations in different sized rings. We find it to be in agreement with lφ deduced from the weak-localization data in parallel wires when the one-dimensional weak-localization theory including the flux cancellation mechanism is used to fit the data. We therefore unambiguously establish that the same lφ governs the behavior of the two quantum interference phenomena of Aharonov-Bohm oscillations and weak localization, and that the flux cancellation is in force. In the pseudomorphic Gax In1xAs/Alx In1xAs heterostructure devices which exhibit strong spin-orbit interaction effects, lφ exceeds the spin-orbit-scattering length at low temperatures. The amplitude of Aharonov-Bohm oscillations can only be explained by introducing reduction factors due to spin-orbit scattering.