Theory of spin-fluctuation resistivity near the critical point of binary alloys and antiferromagnets

We present a simple theory of electrical resistivity ρ(T) due to critical fluctuations in the vicinity of the Néel point of antiferromagnets and the order-disorder transition temperature of binary alloys. In the disordered phase, it is shown that the singular part of ρT varies as either plus or minus the singular part of the specific heat for TTN+. The sign is determined by Fermi-surface geometry and the superlattice vector Q of the ordered state. The temperature range, somewhat above TN, where short-range (Rξ) correlations are no longer dominant is also considered. Numerical results are given for both the short-range and long-range temperature regimes. In the ordered state, it is concluded that the long-range order does not enter ρ(T) directly for TTN and that ρT continues to reflect more closely the specific heat. The results are compared with experiment in the representative cases of β-brass, Fe3Al, dysprosium, and holmium. Some previously unsettled questions are answered and there is good agreement with experiment.