We investigate the extended t-J model (which may include a small next-nearest-neighbor antiferromagnetic coupling or a small hole-hole nearest-neighbor repulsion) by exact-diagonalization techniques. The calculation is done for one and two holes on a 4×4 torus with arbitrary twisted boundary conditions. The role of the boundary conditions on the ground-state energy, the band width, the charge stiffness, and the optical conductivity is extensively studied. In the two-dimensional space of the twist angles (to be viewed as fluxes through the holes of the torus) the ground-state energy surface exhibits multiple level crossings and may present, locally, a negative curvature (or stiffness) characteristic of a paramagnetic behavior. For two holes and sufficiently large J/t (J/t>0.7) the minima of the energy surface in the parameter space of the fluxes are separated by half a flux quantum. The optical conductivity is calculated by averaging over the boundary conditions in order to minimize finite-size effects and to converge more rapidly toward the thermodynamic limit. We find three different contributions to the optical conductivity; (i) a Drude peak at ω=0, (ii) a broad absorption band in the range J<ωt, and (iii) a tail extending to larger frequencies (2t<ωt) associated to the diffusive character of the hole states at these energies.