Electron Hall Mobility in the Alkali Halides

New results will be presented on the mobility of electrons in alkali-halide crystals down to the temperature of liquid helium. An improved technique was used to observe the transient Hall effect for electrons released from color centers by light. Optical-mode scattering with mobility dependent upon exp(ΘT) was generally observed above 40°K. The Debye temperature Θ can be compared with the optical-mode frequency of the material, whereas the magnitude of the scattering can be used to estimate band and polaron mass parameters. Mobilities as high as 15 000 cm2/V-sec, depending upon F-center density, were observed for lightly colored crystals of KBr at 7°K. Similar high mobilities were found for KI and a sample of zone-refined KCl, but the largest mobility observed in NaCl was 1200 cm2/V-sec. The low-temperature mobility in KBr could be reduced an order of magnitude by optically converting F centers (neutral defects) to F and α centers (charged defects). The original mobility could then be restored by illumination in the F band at low temperature.

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