The Effects of Cytochrome C in Anoxia

The amt. of easily hydrolyzable P in heart and kidney, the blood lactic acid, and the measurement of survival times were used to quantitate the effect of anoxia on rats and to measure the value, if any, which cytochrome had in the treatment of anoxia. Both members of pairs of littermate rats were given 2.0 ml./kg. of normal saline intraven. One member was placed in an atmosphere of 3.9% O2, and the other allowed to breathe air. After 8 mins., detns. of the easily hydrolyzableP of kidney and heart and of the blood lactic acid were made. These revealed a significant difference in all 3 quantities between those rats which breathed O2 and those which breathed air. In a 2d expt., both members were placed in 3.9% O2 after one had been given 20 mg./kg. of cytochrome C in saline intraven. and the other an equal vol. of normal saline. Detns. of the same 3 quantities showed no significant difference between the cytochrome and saline pretreated animals. In a 3d expt., both members were placed in 2.8% O2 after one was given 5 mg. of cytochrome C in saline and the other normal saline intraven. There was no significant difference in the survival times of the members of each pair.