Menopausal Flushes: Effect of Pituitary Gonadotropin Desensitization by a Potent Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing Factor Agonist*

Recent evidence suggests that the menopausal flush is linked to the neuroendocrine events which govern pulsatile LH secretion and thermoregulation. This study was designed to determine whether abolishment of LH pulses may abate flush episodes. After pituitary gonadotropin desensitization by a LRF agonist, LH and FSH pulses were abolished, and serum gonadotropin levels were decreased. Flush episodes, however, were unaltered. These findings demonstrate that pulsatile LH release by the pituitary is not causally related to menopausal flushes, and support the contention that flush episodes are initiated by a hypothalamic mechanism (s).