Inelastic Resonances and Castillejo-Dalitz-Dyson Singularities

By considering many coupled two-body-channel scattering amplitudes that possess a unique continuation in the angular-momentum variable l, we show: (1) that several methods of obtaining the single-channel ND solution for the elastic amplitude with an inelasticity factor agree with the corresponding many-channel matrix ND solution at high l; (2) that in order to preserve agreement when continuing to low angular momentum one must generally introduce Castillejo-Dalitz-Dyson (CDD) cuts or poles into the single-channel D function; (3) that the integral equations for ND may be continued in l, automatically yielding the CDD cuts mentioned above. Finally, we introduce a distinction between elastic and inelastic resonance poles based on continuation in l and show that the latter will not appear in calculations that fail to include the requisite CDD singularities.