On topological quotient maps preserved by pullbacks or products

We are concerned with the category of topological spaces and continuous maps. A surjection f: XY in this category is called a quotient map if G is open in Y whenever f−1G is open in X. Our purpose is to answer the following three questions:Question 1. For which continuous surjections f: XY is every pullback of f a quotient map?Question 2. For which continuous surjections f: XY is f × lz: X × ZY × Z a quotient map for every topological space Z? (These include all those f answering to Question 1, since f × lz is the pullback of f by the projection map Y ×ZY.)Question 3. For which topological spaces Z is f × 1Z: X × ZY × Z a qiptoent map for every quotient map f?

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