Antigenic Properties of Liver Cell Fractions Derived from Laying Hens and Estrogenized Chickens

Microsomal and supernatant fractions of liver cells of laying hens and estrogenized chickens prepared by the method of Hogeboom showed immunologically specific antigenic properties similar to those of phosphoproteins found in the sera of laying hens. However, nuclear and mitochondrial fractions derived from liver cells of laying hens, 4 fractions from spleen cells of laying hens and 4 fractions from liver cells of cocks, did not show any such specific antigenic properties. Microsomal and supernatant fractions of liver cells of laying hens and estrogenized chickens had both specific properties of S-I(low density lipoprotein) and S-III(phosphopro-tein) fractions. Microsomal and supernatant fractions absorbed well anti-S-III and anti-S-I antibodies, respectively.