Two modifications of the method are described: A. Living specimens of sabellid and serpluid polychaetes, earthworms, small tadpoles, or fish larvae are immersed in an approximately saturated solution of benzidine for 30 minutes and then 3% hydrogen peroxide is added until bubbles of gas appear. When the blood vessels appear dark blue, the specimens are fixed in acidified 70% alcohol, dehydrated, cleared and either mounted in Canada balsam as whole mounts, or embedded in paraffin, sectioned at 100 to 250µ and mounted. B. Material fixed in 10% formalin in sea-water, or in formalin hypertonic saline, is incubated at 37°C. for one hour in an aqueous mixture containing sodium nitroprusside, 0.1%; benzidine, acetic acid 0.5%, followed by a weak (0.01–0.02%) hydrogen peroxide solution for a further hour, embedded in paraffin, cut into thick sections and mounted.