Nonpharmacologic intervention in acute alcohol withdrawal

The importance of nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic interventions in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal is not known. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted with 41 patients in alcohol withdrawal in an emergency department. The patients received either supportive care (10 min of standardized assessments, reassurance, reality orientation and nursing care/hour) with 3 doses of sublingual lorazepam 2 mg every 2 h (21 patients, drug group) or supportive care with 3 doses of sublingual placebo every 2 h (20 patients, no-drug group). Immediately before each drug dose, the clinical course of alcohol withdrawal was assessed hourly by the Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol (CIWA-A). Interraters reliability in using CIWA-A was high. After each assessment, supportive care was given for 10 min before each dose. After completion of a 7-h initial phase, patients were discharged and reassessed daily for 5 days. Thirty-seven patients (90.2%) improved in the initial phase. Treatment failures (CIWA-A > 10) were more common in the patients treated without drug (3/20, 15%) than in those treated with drug (1/21, 4.8%). Overall variations in intergroup CIWA-A scores during the initial phase were not significant. The rate of improvement of CIWA-A scores over the first 2 h after drug was slightly faster in patients receiving lorazepam than in the control group. CIWA-A scores were the same during follow-up. Most outpatients in mild to moderate alcohol withdrawal without medical complications evidently improve without drug therapy in the emergency department setting.