The weights of a series of endocrines were obtained during the spring of 1927 in 13 hens, 16 cocks and 9 capons; adult and of comparable ages. All were received as 1-day chicks and kept in the laboratory under identical conditions. Caponization was performed between 6-12 weeks of age. Diseased or incompletely castrated birds were excluded. Sex differences were noted in the thyroids, heavier in the [male]; and in the parathyroids, spleen and kidneys, heavier in the [female]. Hypophysis and adrenals were similar in the sexes. In the capon the only endocrine heavier than in either sex was the hypophysis. The capon thyroid was notably lighter and the adrenal somewhat lighter than in either sex. In the case of the other endocrines, the weights in the capon approached those of the [female]. As seasonal variations may occur, these observations are not generalized.