Plasmodium (Sauramoeba) diploglossi Aragão & Neiva, 1909, has been rediscovered in the skink Mabuya mabouya (Scincidae). This appears to be the first time that this malaria parasite has been re-encountered since its original description in the lizard Diploglossus fasciatus (Anguidae). Six out of 20 skinks were infected, all from the Utinga Forest, Belém, Pará, north Brazil.P. (Sauramoeba) tropiduri Aragao & Neiva, 1909, is redescribed in the samelizard, Mabuya mabouya, representing a new host record. Many of the infections were concomitant with P. diploglossi. Exo-erythrocytic schizonts were encountered in blood and tissue smears but it remains uncertain to which parasite they belong.P. (Sauramoeba) cnemidophori Carini, 1941, has been found in the teiid lizard Ameiva ameiva, a new host record. Exo-erythrocytic schizonts were abundant in lymphocytes and thrombocytes of the peripheral blood.The cost of the colour plate was defrayed by the Wellcome Parasitology Unit, Institute Evandro Chagas, Fundacao Servico Especial de Saúde Pública, Belem, Pará, Brazil.