The net rate of autoxidation of ferrocytochrome c was decreased by ferricytochrome c. Superoxide dismutase accelerated this autoxidation to a limit and overcame the inhibitory effect of ferricytochrome c. This was the case whether the autoxidationwas observed in the presence or in the absence of denaturants, such as alcohols orurea, and whether the superoxide dismutase used was the Cu-2+-Zn-2+ enzyme from bovine erythrocytes or the Mn-3+-enzyme from Escherichia coli. It can be deduced that the autoxidation of ferrocytochrome c, under a variety of conditions, geenerates O2 minus which can then dismute to H202 + O2 or can reduce ferricytochrome c back to ferrocytochrome c. Superoxide dismutase, by accelerating the dismutation of O2 minus, prevents the back reaction and thus exposes the true rate of reaction of ferrocytochrome c with molecular oxygen.