An electronic theory of excitation is proposed and described in terms of a three-dimensional excited/ground-state energy surface which elucidates the photochemical and excited-state dynamics of rhodopsins. In this theory the primary action of light is to produce significant electron redistribution in the retinal, thereby generating new interactions that vibrationally excite and perturb the ground-state protein conformation. Thus, light energy causes charge redistribution in the retinal and induces transient charge-density assisted bond rearrangements (such as proton translocation) in the protein structure which is stabilized by subsequent retinal structural alteration. In this theory the isoprenoid chain of the retinal is considered a structurally pliable molecular entity that can generate charge redistributions and can be subsequently achieve intermediate conformations or various isomeric states to minimize the energy of the new protein structure generated by light. Thus, the 11-cis to all trans isomerization of the retinylidene chromophore is not considered a primary mechanism of excitation. An alternate biological role for this molecular process (which is eventually completed in all photoreceptors but not in bacterial rhodopsins) is to provide the irreversibility needed for effective quantum detection on the time scale of a neural response. Finally, it will be demonstrated that this mechanism, which readily accounts for the photophysical and photochemical data, can also be restated in terms of the Monod, Wyman, and Changeux terminology suggesting that aggregates of these pigments may function allosterically.