Neutron Resonances in the kev Region: Odd-Intermediate Nuclei

The total neutron cross sections of Sc45, V51, Mn55, Co59, Cu63, and Cu65 have been measured in the energy range of ∼1 to ∼100 kev. The resonance parameters, including tentative J-value assignments, have been obtained for some of the more pronounced resonances observed. In the low-energy region, where our measurements overlap with those made with time-of-flight equipment, the results for the 2.36-kev resonance in Mn56 and the 4.1-kev resonance in Sc46 are in good agreement. Γ¯n0D¯ (averaged between 1 and 100 kev) was determined for Cl, K, Ni58, Ni60, As75, and the above six nuclei. To calculate Γ¯n0D¯ the average experimental transmission data was compared to the average Breit-Wigner transmission. The variation of Γ¯n0D¯ with atomic weight has been compared to the theoretical predictions of the Feshbach, Porter, and Weisskopf model of the nucleus. The results indicated that the peak is around A=47, and the amplitude is about 5×104. These values would roughly correspond to a real potential, V0=46.5 Mev, and ζ=0.05 for the complex fraction of the potential; a square potential well and a radius R=1.45A13×1013 were assumed.