Introduction Ocular hypotension associated with detachment of the retina has been described by several authors in the past.1 No detailed study of the mechanism involved has been reported utilizing recent methods of investigation, but from earlier experiments by Arruga2 and conclusions drawn from observations on the change of intraocular pressure following reattachment, cataract, and glaucoma surgery, it has been suggested that the hypotension is due to an excess leakage of aqueous humor from the eye.3,4 There is, however, no unanimity of this opinion. In view of the doubt that exists as to the exact mechanisms responsible for the hypotension, further investigation of this problem is desirable. There are 3 possible avenues to follow in the investigation of the hypotension in eyes having retinal detachment. The first possibility is that the hypotension is due to a decrease in the rate of aqueous humor formation. Secondly, the hypotension could