Comparative studies of speech processing strategies for cochlear implants

A wide variety of speech processing strategies for multichannel auditory prostheses were compared in studies of two patients implanted with the UCSF electrode array. Each strategy was evaluated using tests of vowel and consonant confusions, with and without lipreading. Included among the strategies were the compressed analog processor of the present UCSF/Storz prosthesis and a group of interleaved pulses processors in which the amplitudes of nonsimultaneous pulses code the spectral variations of speech. For these patients, each with indications of poor nerve survival, test scores were significantly higher with the interleaved pulses processors. We believe this superior performance was a result of 1. the substantial release from channel interactions provided by nonsimultaneous stimuli and 2. a fast enough rotation among the channels to support adequate temporal and spectral resolution of perceived speech sounds.