Operational retrieval of cloud-top heights using MISR data

Due to its unique nine-angle configuration, the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) can retrieve cloud parameters such as cloud-motion vectors and cloud-top heights using a purely geometrical technique that involves locating the same cloud features at different viewing angles. The geometrical nature of this technique means that the retrievals are relatively insensitive to the absolute instrument calibration. Fast stereo-matching algorithms have been developed to perform this image matching automatically on an operational basis. Preliminary results are shown of the operational retrievals together with comparisons against other data. Cloud-top height is generally obtained on a 1.1-km grid with an accuracy of /spl plusmn/ 562 m, even over snow and ice. The limitations of the technique, resulting at times in height blunders, noisy retrievals, and discrete effects of wind correction, are discussed.