A three-dimensional finite element analysis of a rigid sphere sliding on an elastic-plastic layered medium is presented. Results for the subsurface stress and strain fields are given for a perfectly adhering layer with an elastic modulus and yield stress both two and four times that of the substrate, and contact loads 100 and 200 times the initial yield load of the substrate material. Sliding is simulated to distances of approximately two to three times the initial contact radius. The sphere is modeled by contact elements, and the interface friction coefficient is assumed equal to 0.1 and 0.25. The effects of layer material properties, contact friction, and normal load on the sliding and residual stresses in the layer and the substrate are examined. The distributions of tensile stresses in the layered medium and shear stresses at the layer/substrate interface are presented and their significance for crack initiation and layer decohesion is discussed. Reyielding during unloading is also analyzed for different material properties and contact loads.