Cuttlefish sperm protamines

The sequence of very basic proteins such as protamines (more than 50% arginines) and related peptides has been determined using mass spectrometry in conjunction with Edman degradation. The capabilities of three mass spectrometric (MS) techniques [fast-atom-bombardment (FAB), 252Cf plasma desorption (252CFPD) and electrospray (ES)] have been evaluated on stallion protamine 1, cuttlefish protamine, and the corresponding cleavage peptides. In contrast to FAB-MS and 252Cf PD-MS, ES-MS made possible an easy determination of the molecular mass of the intact protamines (approximately 8 kDa). With ES-MS about 0.2 nmol was sufficient to yield a mass measurement with an accuracy of 0.05%. On peptides smaller than 3500 Da, both FAB-MS and 252Cf PD-MS allowed mass measurements with an accuracy of 0.1%. 252Cf PD-MS appeared more sensitive than FAB-MS by about a factor of 10. FAB-MS is nevertheless particularly interesting since in most cases it produced spectra with intense A-type fragmentation ions which provided reliable primary structure information.