Addition of boron to atmospheric-pressure fuel-rich H2+ N2+ O2 flames seeded with alkali metals results in reductions in concentrations of free alkali metal atoms and in formation of negative boron-containing ions. The following enthalpy changes and equilibrium constants are inferred: Li + HBO2⇌ LiBO2+ H ΔH°0=–21 ± 20 kJ mole–1, K= 15 exp (2300/T). Na + HBO2⇌ NaBO2+ H ΔH°0=+ 21 ± 20kJ mole–1, K= 12 exp (–3000/T). K + HBO2⇌ KBO2+ H ΔH°0=+ 8 ± 20 kJ mole–1, K= 37 exp(–2500/T). HBO2+ e⇌ H + BO 2ΔH0°=+ 94 ± 20kJ mole–1, K= 1.5 × 103 exp (– 10000/T). These enthalpy changes, when combined with JANAF data for HBO2, BO2, H, K, Na and Li, lead to standard heats of formation at 0 K of –636 ± 25 kJ mole–1 for LiBO2(g), –644 ± 25kJ mole–1 for NaBO2(g) and –674 ± 25kJ mole–1for KBO2(g), and provide a value for the electron affinity of BO2of 393 ± 20 kJ mole–1.