Galactorrhea and Hyperprolactinemia Associated With Amoxapine Therapy

GALACTORRHEA and amenorrhea are adverse effects ofantipsychoticdrugs, attributed to elevated levels of serum prolactin, brought about by a blockade of dopamine (DA) receptors in the tuberoinfundibular hypothalamic pathway. Although galactorrhea is listed as an effect of tricyclicantidepressantdrugs as well, a literature review has failed to substantiate this association. Moreover, the six currently available tricyclic antidepressants havenotbeen found to increase serum prolactin levels,1nor do they appear to be effective blockers of the DA receptor. In the course of a double-blind study of a new antidepressant, amoxapine, galactorrhea developed in a young woman and was evaluated by extensive prolactin testing. This article describes her case, presents results of laboratory studies, and discusses theoretical and clinical implications. Report of a Case A 29-year-old woman had suffered from a primary depression, unipolar type, for about five months. One previous episode of depression had been treated with