Angular correlations between alpha particles and gamma rays have been measured in liquid sources of three separate nuclides, americium-243, uranium-233, and neptunium-237. The angular-correlation functions were experimentally determined for five transitions, and the relative angular-momentum mixing ratios for these transitions were deduced. The mixing ratios of L=2 and 0 agree with theory, but the L=4 and 2 mixing ratios are somewhat higher than predicted. Upper limits of the half-lives of 99-keV and 45-keV states in Th229 were measured, respectively, as 0.8×109 and 1.2×109 sec. From a comparison of the attenuated angular correlation in Am243, and a previously measured angular correlation in Am241, it is deduced that an extranuclear interaction occurs whose time duration is less than 1.2×109 sec.