Uniform deposition of protein incorporated mineral layer on three‐dimensional porous polymer scaffolds

Inorganic–organic hybrid materials designed to facilitate bone tissue regeneration use a calcium phosphate mineral layer to encourage cell adhesion, proliferation, and osteogenic differentiation. Mineral formed on porous materials is often discontinuous through the thickness of the scaffold. This study aimed to uniformly coat the pores of three‐dimensional (3D) porous, polymer scaffolds with a bone‐like mineral layer in addition to uniformly incorporating a model protein within this mineral layer. A filtration system designed to induce simulated body fluid flow through the interstices of 3D polylactic‐co‐glycolic acid scaffolds (10‐mm diameter × 2‐mm thickness) illustrated that a uniform, continuous mineral layer can be precipitated on the pore surfaces of a 3D porous structure within 5 days. MicroCT analysis showed increased mineral volume percent (MV%) (7.86 ± 3.25 MV%, p = 0.029) and continuous mineralization of filtered scaffolds compared with two static control groups (floating, 0.16 ± 0.26 MV% and submerged, 0.20 ± 0.01 MV%). Furthermore, the system was effective in coprecipitating a model protein, bone sialoprotein (BSA), within the mineral layer. A 10‐fold increase in BSA incorporation was seen when coprecipitated filtered scaffolds (1308 ± 464 μg) were compared to a submerged static control group (139 ± 45 μg), p < 0.001. Confocal microscopy visually confirmed uniform coprecipitation of BSA throughout the thickness of the filtration scaffolds. The designed system enables 3D mineralization through the thickness of porous materials, and provides the option of including coprecipitated biomolecular cues within the mineral layer. This approach of providing a 3D conductive and osteoinductive environment could be conducive to bone tissue regeneration. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater 2008