Investigation of theT=32State at 16.97 MeV inBe9

A resonance in the Li7+d reaction at a deuteron bombarding energy of 361±2 keV, corresponding to a level in Be9 at 16.97 MeV, has been investigated. Total cross sections for Li7(d, p0)Li8 were measured by detecting induced Li8 activity for deuteron energies between 340 and 780 keV. In agreement with earlier work of Woods and Wilkinson, a resonance in this reaction was observed on a background rapidly decreasing with decreasing deuteron energy. This resonance and the surrounding region from 0.1 to 1.1 MeV were also studied with the Li7(d, γ)Be9 reaction by measuring the yield of the gamma-ray transitions to the lower states of Be9 with a NaI crystal. The measured width of the level was less than 600 eV in the laboratory system. The angular distribution of the on-resonance gamma rays to the ground state was isotropic to within 7%. Branching ratios for the gamma rays to several states in Be9 were measured with a NaI crystal, a scintillation pair spectrometer, and a NaI crystal surrounded by an anticoincidence shield. The relative intensities for the gamma-ray transitions to the ground state and to the states at 1.70, 2.43, 3.04, and 4.74 MeV were found to be 100, 8.5±4.3, 10.6±5.3, ≤4.5, and 9.6±4.8, respectively. The 15.3-MeV gamma-ray transition indicates the existence of a level in the usual sense at 1.70 MeV in Be9. From the gamma-ray measurements below resonance at 300 keV an upper limit of 1.6×1030 cm2 was found for the direct (d, γ) cross section to low-energy states in Be9. For the Li7(d, n) reaction, the yield of neutrons with energies above 10 MeV showed a resonance at the same energy. From neutron time-of-flight measurements relative to coincident gamma rays, neutron groups were seen corresponding to breakup of levels in Be9 at 2.43 and 4.74 MeV. The Li7(d, d)Li7 and Li7(d, α)He5 reactions did not show observable resonance effects. From the above results, the reduced widths for neutron and alpha-particle emission are found to be considerably smaller than the corresponding width for protons, thus supporting the hypothesis that the state in Be9 at 16.97 MeV has an isobaric spin of 32.