
Perusal of literature yields less than 50 cases of gastroschisis.1-11 Rare as this condition is, it is not as uncommon as the literature would seem to indicate. Recent additions to the literature has clarified considerably the confusion that existed before regarding congenital anterior abdominal wall evisceration. Gastroschisis is now being recognized as a distinct entity offering an unique surgical challenge. An attempt is made here to present a general review of the condition, and also to suggest some techniques of management which may result in lowered mortality. Eight cases of gastroschisis seen in our hospital during a 2½-year period forms the basis of this report. Report of Cases Case 1.—A 5-hour-old female infant weighing 1,400 gm (3 lb 1% oz) was admitted with a diagnosis of gastroschisis (Table). There was a 3-cm defect to the right of the umbilicus. Evisceration of the stomach and entire small bowel with "Christmas