Harmonic mixing in a superconducting tunnel junction

A theoretical analysis of harmonic mixing in a quasiparticle tunnel junction at Vbias=0 shows that harmonic mixing for submillimeter frequencies is a viable alternative to fundamental mixing. It is also shown that the signal gain from the first harmonic above the pump frequency to the intermediate frequency is independent of the embedding admittance at the pump frequency. In fact, we show that the five-port model reduces to the three-port model as a result of the inversion symmetry of the I-V curve and, moreover, no large-signal analysis is necessary. Full simulations of harmonic mixing using a five-port model confirm these results. The simulations have been done for the case of a superconductor-insulator-normal junction in which there is no pair current interference. For this type of harmonic mixer we show that the local oscillator (LO) power requirement can be less than a fundamental mixer operating at the same signal frequency, which is particularly useful in circumventing the problems of high-frequency LO power generation.

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