Photomanipulation of Phytochrome in Lettuce Seeds

Seeds of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Grand Rapids) were imbibed and given either short irradiation with red or far red light prior to drying or dried under continuous red or far red light. Seeds treated with either short or continuous red germinate in darkness, whereas seeds treated with either short or continuous far red require a short exposure to red light, after a period of imbibition, to stimulate germination. Irradiation of dry red seeds with far red light immediately before sowing results in a marked inhibition of germination. This result was predicted since far red-absorbing form phytochrome can be photoconverted to the intermediate P650 (absorbance maximum 650 nm) in freeze-dried tissue. A similar far red treatment to continuous red seeds is less effective and it is concluded that in these seeds a proportion of total phytochrome is blocked as intermediates between red-absorbing and far red-absorbing form phytochrome, which only form the far red-absorbing form of phytochrome on imbibition. The inhibition of dry short red seeds by far red light can be reversed by an irradiation with short red light given immediately before sowing, confirming that P650 can be photoconverted back to the far red-absorbing form of phytochrome. The results are discussed in relation to seed maturation (dehydration) on the parent plant.