Odor Intensity of Mixed and Unmixed Stimuli under Environmentally Realistic Conditions

Subjects judged the odor intensity of single odorants and binary mixtures of fixed or varying proportions presented in the atmosphere of an environmental chamber. The subjects were exposed to the vapors either continuously (15 min) or periodically (once a minute for 15 min). As found previously, the mixtures smelled less intense than predicted from the simple sum of their unmixed components. The degree of hypoadditivity proved about the same for the four pairs of odorants studied, but varied from periodic to continuous exposure. Periodic exposure led to a greater departure from simple additivity and confirmed the presence of the phenomenon of compromise whereby the mixture can smell less intense than its stronger component alone. Continous exposure led to a closer approximation to simple additivity and exhibited no compromise. Nevertheless, the behavior seen under continuous exposure apparently derived from a tendency for mixtures to exhibit less adaptation than their components. Whereas mixtures may seem to lack potency relative to their unmixed components, they may in fact compensate for any deficiency in momentary intensity through an increase in durability.