Variation in the distribution of two human heart ferritin species. Isoferritin profile and subunit composition in normal and iron-overloaded subjects

On polyacrylamide slab electrophoresis two ferritin species, termed fast and slow, were present in three control and four iron-loaded human hearts. The ratio of the fast to slow species varied between hearts and correlated with the distribution of isoferritins, which had pI values ranging from 4.8 to 5.6. The acidic isoferritins were prominent in all hearts, but one control and the four iron-loaded hearts contained, in addition, basic isoferritins. All ferritins were composed of two subunits, an acidic H type and a more basic HL type, which was the main subunit in normal liver. Hearts with the highest proportions of acidic isoferritin contained the highest proportion of the H subunit.