Translational Inertial Spin Effect

The following results are shown: (a) Contrary to widespread belief, two energy-momentum tensors Tij and Θij with a divergenceless difference are not necessarily physically equivalent; in fact, they will not be equivalent if the flux (TiαΘiα)dsαdt through the external surface of some test body between an initial and a final state is nonzero. (b) It follows necessarily from basic postulates of the Dirac one-electron theory that Tetrode's asymmetrical energy-momentum tensor is physically the good one, and that, in the circumstances mentioned above, use of the symmetrized Θij=(Tij+Tji)2 tensor would yield a wrong result for the variation of the energy-momentum between states 1 and 2. (c) This being so, a macroscopic experiment based on ferromagnetism or ferrimagnetism can be devised, which demonstrates these facts as a measurable "translational inertial spin effect." (d) It is highly plausible that the above predictions, based on the one-particle electron theory, would be valid in the framework of the many-particle electron theory obeying Fermi statistics (the argument is based on the so-called bound-interaction hyperquantized formalism). The last point can be verified experimentally.

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