Structure and sequence of the mitochondrial 20S rRNA and tRNA tyr gene of Paramecium primaurelia

The sequence and structure of the large (20s) mitochondrial (mt) rRNA gene and flanking regions from Paramecium primaurelia have been determined. The gene contains two regions of strong homology with other large mt rRNAs: one 44-base region near the 5′ end and a 321-base region near the 3′ end. Another region of strong homology to both ends of E. coli 23s RNA exists at loci consistent with these regions. The Paramecium gene appears to be 2204 bases in length and contains slightly more homology to E. coli rRNA than its mammalian or fungal counterparts. The gene, located about 1200 bp from the replicative terminal end of the linear mt DNA, is transcribed in the same polarity as replication. Previous R-looping studies detected no large introns within the gene. Here we describe sequences resembling degenerate rRNAs, one of which could represent a small intron. A tRNA tyr gene was found on the same DNA strand, 127 bp downstream from the large rRNA presumptive 3′ end. The tRNA is flanked on both sides by short DNA regions of −90% A + T content.