It is pointed out that P-wave interactions of the pseudoscalar-octet (P8) mesons provide a practical method of grouping hadrons together in supermultiplets. The hypothesis that P8-meson-meson and P8-baryon-baryon interactions in the limit of small momentum transfer are proportional to appropriate matrix elements of the axial-vector-octet generators of SU(6) is found to agree fairly well with experiment. The P8 universality principle provides a simple measure of the ωϕ mixing angle, and is useful also for identifying members of SU(6) resonance multiplets. Identification of the Σγ(1660 MeV) and the Λ(1405 MeV) with states of the 70-fold representation of SU(6) leads to a predicted partial width of 14-19 MeV for the ΣγΛ+π decay. The application of various universality principles suggested by SU(6) symmetry to meson-meson-meson interactions is investigated.

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