Internode length in Pisum

The influence of the Na and Le genes in peas on gibberellin (GA) levels and metabolism were examined by gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of extracts from a range of stem-length genotypes fed with [13C, 3H]GA20. The substrate was metabolised to [13C, 3H]GA1, [13C, 3H]GA8 and [13C, 3H]GA29 in the immature, expanding apical tissue of all genotypes carrying Le. In contrast, [13C, 3H]GA29 and, in one line, [13C, 3H]GA29-catabolite, were the only products detected in plants homozygous for the le gene. These results confirm that the Le gene in peas controls the 3β-hydroxylation of GA20 to GA1. Qualitatively the same results were obtained irrespective of the genotype at the Na locus. In all Na lines the [13C, 3H]GA20 metabolites were considerably diluted by endogenous [12C]GAs, implying that the metabolism of [13C, 3H]GA20 mirrored that of endogenous [12C]GA20. In contrast, the [13C, 3H]GA20 metabolites in na lines showed no dilution with [12C]GAs, confirming that the na mutation prevents the production of C19-GAs. Estimates of the levels of endogenous GAs in the apical tissues of Na lines, made from the 12C:13C isotope ratios and the radioactivity recovered in respective metabolites, varied between 7 and 40 ng of each GA per plant in the tissue expanded during the 5 d between treatment with [13C, 3H]GA20 and extraction. No [12C]GA1 and only traces of [12C]GA8 (in one line) were detected in the two Na le lines examined. These results are discussed in relation to recent observations on dwarfism in rice and maize.